Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Message in a bottle

The heartsung prayers of a racing mind are often set to the music of ordinary experiences. Perhaps, like me you ask questions of God throughout each conversation. Questions that lead to more questions, and more questions. Just like any child would, I am no different. My questions are no surprise for him, his answers no surprise to me. I am continually encouraged by the truth of scripture as is resonates in my mind and spirit. Yet it is so often the case that he uses the language of my life to get my attention.

I was at the nail salon last week in preperation for the unveiling of my winter to spring feet, as a server/homemaker, I am on them 8 hours a day. Need I say more! I selected a natural pink polish to avoid any real attention to the pitiful hooves. I valiantly climbed into the massage and basin chair next to my daughter. I began to relax into the warm soak and back massage. I quietly continued to examine a new promise that God had spoken to my heart about my vocation in Christ. I was going pondering scriptures regarding my talants and responsibilities of using them.

The nail technician was working magic in the footbath below and I cl0sed my eyes. Time passed, I looked down to assess the progress and was shocked to find that the colour of toes was like Dorothys(wizard of oz) ruby red slippers! I have learned to let little things go, so I took a deep breath and lay back into the chair.

Once done with my feet, I followed the technician to the manicure table, he began to have a sneezing attack and left to find a tissue and wash his hands. I seized thet oppertunity to grab the red polish from his table and place the pink directly in front of his tools. My hands would be exactly what I wanted. I wanted to let him know that the red was not to be applied to them,so I quickly glanced at the bottom of the red bottle to get the name right. What a big surprise it was to see "I am really not a waitress" as the proper colour name. It was a direct response from God to me in one of the questions I had asked Him about the depth of serventhood.

What the Lord and I had been talking about all day long was about the heart of serving him no matter what the task, or time ,or environment. What we are truelly meant to do is lift others up to reach their fullest potential and in so doing He is lifted up and recognized, and we are moving in the direction of true leadership.

So I present to you that "I am not a waitress", yet I am a servant of the most high ,Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, to the Glory of God now and forever. Amen!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Many years ago, my 19 year old daughter and I were relaxing in the kitchen when we were both surprised by the then 7 year old honey bunny running up the stairs and immediately tumbling through the corridor into the kitchen by way of 3 momentous forward rolls. The older daughter sharply reprimanded the younger one for stopping within an inch of her shins as I leapt to my feet in applause and delight! The older daughter scolded me a bit for encouraging this behavior. My defense was more like a challenge, I invited her to try doing 3 forward rolls with a sudden stop and a taadaa finale like her sister. She took a walk down the hall and began to bend into a ball shape that replicated the previous performer. At the end of it all I explained that I was so moved by the fluid motions of the younger that I could not help but thrill in her use of energy and flexibility. After the elder sisters labored efforts, she too could only agree that the task inspired a sense of honour when carried out by youth and executed with ease. The elder did not show olympic promise as a gymnist.

One persons sense of appropriatness can certainly hinder anothers ability to freedom. In discerning the balance of relational stregnth, there are times when opposites must learn to co-exist. Wheat must grow with tare, silence must have a voice, peacekeepers must have peacemakers.

Keeping infers ownership , making infers the work or production of a thing. Making peace means hammering out unrest. Keeping peace means enforcing a code of agreement. Seeing both sides of a situation can cause a better understanding of anothers position. This does not insure a shared conviction. It can however, reveal oppertunity for commonality. Relationships are work, wether it be sister to sister , or co-workers , or spouses. To create a peace means to view someone else as God sees them. To take in the amazing love God has for all he created in that individual and reflect back to them an awe about who they are morphing into. In other words, to see Christ alive and at work through the unique quirks of their personality. What one may view as a weakness or friction, God may see as a place to pronounce His Glory, to reveal His wisdom, to confound this present world with hope and evidence that His Son at work in all of us can and will redeem each of us as we find it in our own hearts, and graciously offer it to one another!

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God! Amen.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nuts and roots

From where I sat this morning, I could easily watch the sneaky little squirrel that was approaching my patio on the hunt for nuts. He ran up and down the leafless tree in my backyard to proudly display each find to his friend. The two of them engaged in a lively bit of chatter and then they were off again to collect more of the precious booty for a long winter ahead. This scene played out numerous times as I sat there with a front row seat. I was writing my own dialogue in my mind to the kinds of things the two of them might have been saying in each exchange. " how is the collecting going on your side of the yard?", " did you check out that pile of leaves over there ?" Get all you can while the getting is good , I heard the folks mention a clean up day and then it will all be gone." " I don't think I will go hungry this winter, but I wonder if the others know about this place?" " We must tell them right away, so they can stock up for the lean times!"

Maybe it was just wishful thinking to imagine a troop of squirrels ridding my yard of the nuicance nuts that needed to be raked up before first snow. They always seem to get trampled into the grass and buried halfway, only to be found next spring under a tender bare foot. The food of squirrels comes from the very subtle release of seed from the tree. The season for lucious fruit is past, the remnant left for only the wild to devour. The cycle begins again, roots have time in winter to go deeper, not compelled by sun and warmth and rains to work and produce foliage.

Now is the season to be rooted! We act like squirrels this time of year, don't we? We run around busily stashing our treasures away for " The holidays". We converse about bargains, recipes, and family plans to get together. We engage in the chatter of ritual comfort. But do we allow the spiritual season of growth and life an entrance to the underground work of root restoration? We have stored up scriptural training, we have sat with good council, we have understood and offered our fruits to one another, but have we taken time to lay axe to old roots and heal. During this close the windows- prepare for the winter - settle in time of year, take time to search out your heart before God. Rake over the hard areas and expose the rough patches. Throw away the dead branches, and while all may soon seem still, let your heart be rooted deeply in the Truth.

I want to encourage you to keep a personal journal of the winter season , the quiet and unnoticed journey the next few months will take you through. Sometimes we can't see fruit in areas we have given much attention to. It is at these times we need to remind ourseves daily of the microsopic developements that are taking place within us as we wait and watch. We will bear much fruit! John 15

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ring Toss

Games are a big part of our culture. For centuries peoples of all nations have been either participants or spectators to sports, tournaments, and various challenges. Even this week our " World Series " took place and many entered this arena supporting their favorite team.
Excitment grows when two strong men arm wrestle. Adreneline rises as quizbowl youth face off. Voices escalate in my own family room as video games and rock band are played! Everybody wants to be or see a winner!

Yesterday I lead a group of wheelchair bound residents in a scheduled activity. The time was slotted for Ring toss. I positioned the chairs in a circle , I passed out some light weight rubber rings and had them take turns at the targets. We went around the circle throwing and missing for about an hour. Each player encouraging of one another, until it was Mrs. F's turn.

Mrs. F would not release the ring, try as she might to extend her arm and adjust her grasp, she kept telling us she couldn't let go! After about 20 minutes of this same complaint I asked her what was wrong with her hand. She responded " it works just fine, I can't let go until you place the target within my reach, I don't want to miss it". As the group made comments to the effect of passing her turn up and getting on with the game I had to admit to myself how trivial a game it was. Next time around I placed the target directly below Mrs. F's hand and it landed on the ring. This kept the group happy, to allow them less distraction and a return to a faster pace.

On my way home from work that night I thought about this scenario. The spirit of God quickened to me a personal message based on Mrs. F's behavior. How many times do I hold on to trivial things in my life that I make more important then they need to be? Why do I sometimes take hostages in having things done my way? Am I so rigid that if everything is not set up correctly I can't enjoy it! Let me tell you, I immediately searched my heart and found a few areas that I needed to apply repentance to.

Having returned to the workforce on a "floating schedule" I can't be in controll of anything but my response to daily challenges. I need to come up in the area of " good attitude". I thought I was doing pretty well prior to this moment of revelation, and then I got this real epiphany. All I can do is all I can be at any given moment! I have no secret to my own strength, ability or talent. What I may possess is only part of the life of the triune God at work through me as I allow it. I don't need doors to be opened for me, I need to open doors in my heart and mind to allow the free movement of the Holy Spirit. Victory is only mine because Christ has shared His triumph with me!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Home Sweet Home

As a child my life was so transient, we moved often due to the financial burdens placed on a struggling household. I'm sure that even as a young mother I endured many relocations for the same reason. It does not surprise me, although it might you, that I have lived in some 30 something locations to date.

Adapting to new environs has becaome second nature to me so much so, that even though my current address hasn't changed for 16 years, I still move my furniture every time I deep clean my house! I think it makes everything feel new. I also paint my walls every 3 years to recreate the space I call home. Some may think of home as a place where you can rely on things not to change, but in my experience it is the very change that makes me excited!

I have learned that it is not the comfort of the familiar I depend upon for the feeling of "home", more like the comfort of family! As long as I am surrounded by the voices, expressions, and personalities that are such a part of me, I am at home. I am at home when visiting siblings out of state. I am at home when present with dear friends. I am at home with my grandchildren wherever we find ourselves at play. All because I am at home with my Lord and God!

Many followers of Christ look to the future to be "home"after a life of service has ended on this earth! I believe too in a prepared place beyond this world. Except I also believe that we ABIDE in him! Jesus is our home here on earth! We are never without the blessed comfort afforded us by his Holy Spirit. He is a resident in our hearts and minds and continues to allow us to also recognize the outer protection and provision that is supernatural and invisible to the naked eye.

It is Jesus that prepares a precious meal of the bread and cup for me to dine with Him. It is my Lord who laughs and cries with me, it is the Son of God who calls me his sibling! Home is where the heart is , and so having given mine to Christ, He has taken up residence and has rooted me in the community of His love for all those I call brothers and sisters of faith!

Home Sweet Home! John 15" Abide in me and I will abide in you".

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gossip Girl or Gospel Girl?

I admit that for a while, I've been in a bit of a bubble. My concerns and experiences have been of a personal nature. My time spent with intimate friends and family. My energies applied to mostly isolated encounters, one on one chats or encouraging group activities. So as I returned to the workforce this past week ( a huge company) I was not prepared for the petty nuances in the workplace.

My employment is in the health care arena, specifically an assisted living facility. I come into contact with all manner of service oriented workers. And let me first say this, it is a priveledge to be amongst those who serve this country on the front lines (The hardest emotional battlefield of life). Daily facing the enemy of apathy, sacrificing personal space and pride to bring dignity to those who have gone before us and now depend on us down to the most humbling of actions. But, having been in the bubble I forgot how personalities can produce friction when rubbed the wrong way!

The very smallest of actions between co-workers can be fanned into a tremendous flare up when repeated to an itchy ear. The right words can become the wrong ones when a recanting of anothers circumstance is colored with opinion. The observations of a "not clued in" bystander can taint the perceptions of grace in action. Even the introductions to staff can present a jaded history not yet a part of my own experience with that relationship! One week into the job and my head is already spinning! Not because I worry about performance of duties, but because I need to take out the trash that is being dumped all over my heart to serve!!! I must remain dilligent in guarding my heart against the onslaught of this verbal pollution.

I could create allies, team up with those who have the most pull or influence. I could speak out against the behaviors that seem inappropriate. I could even just ignore it all and go about my own business. But if I want to truelly walk in the love and power of God, I must rely on the Holy Spirit to stir me and direct me in each instance. Only God can know the way to my heart, only he can reveal to me how to be effectual to each person that is devinely called to be part of my journey. And only God can reach others through me! So I must become an empty vessel every day, that I might be refilled with the new wine of his spirit, ready to be poured out again and again.

Create in me a clean heart Lord and renew a right spirit within me, cast me not from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Story Time

I love to read, as a matter of fact I love it so much that I will even read the dictionary! As I sit here at my computer, I am surrounded by stacks of books I've read and often re-read. The public library is better than shopping at the Mall for me( Actually anything is better then shopping for me!) I can lose myself in the smell of old print and the catagorical presentation of subjects.

I believe this deep connection began in me as a small child in kindergarten. Storytime had me fixated on images and characters from far away places of someones imagination. But the best thing I liked was the voice of the librarian as she made each page come to life. I didn't want to miss one word of text, I always tried to sit in front to view the illustrations up close. I was and still am transported to places and situations that imprint my soul.

When my children were potty training, I used sitting time as a tool to read and reward them for their efforts. We would stay bathroom bound with stacks of books even after the mission was accomplished. To this very day I keep a Bible on the tank of each commode to allow undistracted oppertunity for reading! I have often encouraged friends who need more discipline in daily devotion and Bible literacy to place a copy in the bathroom! We all need to retreat there at some point in our day! And so, the quiet and seperated space can lend itself to a necesary connection with the Word of God. And since I can no longer read my children bedtime stories, I allow them to search scripture by putting it out there where they can help themselves to as much as they want or need.

Now I must say that this practice has been confirmed for me and my household as a valid source of inspiration. Many an epiphany has taken place after a nature call. Truelly it has become a call to a new nature of spirit as well. There are even times when a family member will leave a passage open or marked for the next visitor! This can provide a gentle sharing of the word without confrontation, so to speak. A reminder to place love above all else, a psalm of praise to God to refocus our victories as from him and not ourselves, even a marked parable to help us reorient our path. In few short moments as these, we become re-centered on our real source of knowledge and truth. We are cognisant of trusting God for what we don't have answers for, or we are open to recieve the answers we want to avoid!

The first time I ever read the bible all the way through, I was 20 years old and it was a childrens picture story bible. A gift to my infant daughter upon her dedication in church. I knew that with such an important vow as to train her up in Gods word I needed to understand the power of this written history of Faith. What I realized in having finished this bible storybook was in itself the most incredible portrait of a loving father I had ever seen! My desire to know a real relationship with him has since been through daily correspondence via his precious son Jesus and the letters of the New Testament.

I pray you will burn with such a passion for "storytime" and come as a child to get a front seat.